When we talk about 03 numbers, we are referring to UK telephone numbers that begin with the prefix 03. These are non-geographic in nature, and are described by Ofcom as UK Wide Numbers. Click here for more information about 03 numbers.
Non-geographic numbers are a subclass of numbers that do not relate to a specific geographic location in the UK. These can take many forms but generally refer to numbers beginning with 03, 05, 070, 08 or 09.
Calls to 03 numbers are charged at the same rate as calls to UK mainland landlines, and Ofcom regulations state that 03 numbers must be included in bundled minute packages offered by your landline or mobile provider whenever landline calls are part of the package. Click here for more information on number ranges and associated call charge bands.
Good news - everything is completely free! Our default 03 number allocation is free of charge, and you can even forward them to UK mainland landlines free of charge as well!
From 13th June 2014, the EU Consumer Rights Directive prevented customer helplines from charging callers more than a basic rate. Traditional customer service numbers, such as 084 or 087 numbers, are generally charged at a higher rate. Under this directive these are no longer viable for post-contract customer service calls. By using an 03 number you continue to take advantage of the benefits of using a non-geographic number whilst complying with the new directive.

Location flexible -- a non-geographic number can represent your business in multiple locations, not just a local area.

Public image -- a non-geographic number can help build the image of being a larger, national company, which is especially important if you have business dealings outside of the locality where you are based.

In addition to the above benefits, 03 numbers also comply with the current EU Consumer Rights Directive in relation to customer helplines (unlike 084/087 numbers).

Of course - in fact using 03NOW you can set up 03 numbers to forward to any existing UK mainland landlines free of charge!
You can set up new numbers in no time at all by creating an account and using the self-service feature.
At present we do not offer the service to forward to mobile, non-geographic (except freephone) or overseas numbers, however please keep visiting 03NOW for future updates.
Any UK mainland landline or freephone number can be forwarded to using 03NOW.
Yes you can - simply specify an IP address, hostname or SIP URI as the forwarding destination instead of a telephone number.
You can have up to 20 numbers allocated to your account as standard. If you require more numbers then please contact us.
03NOW receives a small outpayment from BT for any inbound 03 call that it receives, making it possible for us to cover any charges for forwarding the call on to low cost destinations such as UK mainland landlines - making it completely free for you!
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